To celebrate Special Olympics’ 50th anniversary, our team created a video on behalf of Bank of America. Set in Chicago — the site of the first Special Olympics Games — the piece features Special Olympics athletes as the voice talent.

With a small production crew and three PixelStick LED light sticks, we captured thousands of stills in Chicago over three nights, stitching them together in post to create an animated effect.

Bank of America’s Power To campaign launched in late 2018 to promote people’s intrinsic ability to accomplish great things alongside an experienced partner who’s been doing just that for decades. This micro-site and OLA for the enterprise side of the business — created with a minimal budget and guidelines that changed by the hour — helped launch the effort.

As long it’s live, you can visit the site here. Once you do that, you’ll likely be fed the complete OLA campaign. Gotta love cookies.

Bank of America’s partnerships with MLB and the NFL provide an opportunity to connect with fans on a local level and generate excitement throughout the season. Here are a few of the pieces we created for the campaign.

CVS was never considered a go-to destination for the products women need to take care of their skin, regardless of their skin type. So we created targeted videos and shared them on Facebook alongside product offers that drove in-store traffic while addressing the misconception.

For Gulf States Toyota, we consistently delivered smart, culturally savvy work in both English and Spanish that resonated with General and Hispanic markets. And broke sales records.

Directing all the Spanish-language efforts on Subway Restaurants led to a slew of TV work, including the most successful Hispanic spot in the history of the brand. Unfortunately, it’s the one with the jingle.

Over six months in sunny South Beach, I was fortunate to collaborate with SapientNitro on the site refresh, helping to infuse it with a more attitude than Detroit was used to.

AGFA’s computer-to-plate printing process continually delivered sharper dots in a lot less time — and in perfect registration. Their scanners and printers were just as effective.

Before Google ate the world, search engines competed against each other, and we worked on one of them (which was eventually eaten by Google). 

The Maximum Warrior Challenge was created to get gamers excited about the new Call of Duty/ Black Ops game. We ran a 4-page ad that drove readers online to follow elite soldiers as they competed for a Call of Duty Black Ops Jeep Wrangler

Rooted in nature, Babcock Ranch is a community in Florida founded and developed on the concept of simple living, so we developed a campaign that reflects their uncomplicated vision of life.

If you’re exporting goods, you need a bank that knows what it’s like to do business abroad. Like Miami’s Banco Crédito Inversiones.

The Florida Medical Association Magazine on a subject no doctor ever wants to talk about — the ever-swelling cost of medical malpractice insurance.

The Cuban Social Club of Boston started drawing a bigger, more diverse crowd after launching this local direct mail campaign.

Working with Buen Sabor’s founder and several frozen food industry pros, we dialed in packaging copy that specifically targeted the bicultural market with a dual language approach.

As a writer of Cuban descent, I couldn't help but do some work to celebrate Conan going to Cuba. In both languages. Huge thanks to Todd Gallentine for art directing.

Yea it’s old spot shot in 4:3. It was shot on Hi-8 for about $5,000. Still dig it.